A Reflection for the Sixth Sunday of Easter by Fr Louie Kitt.

In this time of struggle, loss and fear, we may wonder where God is in all of this. Maybe your faith is truly being tested. Maybe you’re angry with God. That’s a natural reaction when we feel abandoned, left with little hope. In the Second Reading, Saint Peter is encouraging the earliest followers of Christ, facing persecution and hardship in their witness. Saint Peter himself had the strength to suffer, encountered by his Resurrected friend and Lord, knowing that despite death and suffering, God is present and ultimately gives eternal life.

In the Gospel, Jesus says to the disciples and to us, “I will not leave you orphans” as the Holy Spirit is given after He leaves them. Those events can offer us hope in times of trial. God has already won the battle and the Holy Spirit is here on hand to encourage us in trial and suffering, showing us that life is eternal.