The Season of Lent began on Wednesday 17 February this year. Here you will find information about special services, Stations of the Cross and also our new weekly online Talks for Lent 'Ways of Praying'.

Holy Week & Easter

Visit this page for details of all Holy Week and Easter services, including free ticket booking information.

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday 17 February is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the season of Lent.  Ashes were ‘sprinkled’ on the head rather than a cross being marked, in-line with Covid guidelines. The 12.30pm Mass was celebrated by Archbishop John Wilson and was live streamed on our website, watch back below: 

Stations of the Cross

Social distancing means we have to take a different approach this year but there will be a meditation on the Stations of the Cross each Sunday during Lent at 5.30pm. Starting on Sunday 21 February.

Ways of Praying - Talks for Lent

Frs. Daniel, Louie, and Dermott are giving a series of online talks on each Thursday during Lent. The Theme is ‘Ways of Praying’ and will be available on our website weekly.

Visit this page each Thursday evening during Lent at 7pm for the latest video, which will be published below - as a YouTube feed - subscribe to the new Cathedral YouTube channel today.